Can I open an Excel report on a machine where the application is not installed?

Yes. A PetroVR Excel report is a normal Excel file (.xls or .xlsx) which can be opened as any other worksheet. however, if in the generation of the report the option to export an executable model was used (see Econ Reports) the following procedure is needed to ensure that all functions for which Excel does not have a straightforward equivalent are calculated correctly:

Copy the PetroVR Excel report and the file PetroVR.xla located in the PetroVR root directory to the new location.

The first time the PetroVR Excel report is opened:

  • Open the PetroVR Excel report.
  • Select "Enable Macros".
  • Select "Update Links".
  • Select "Edit Links".
  • Select "Change Source" and select the PetroVR.xla file location.
  • Select "Open Source".
  • Select "Enable Macros".
  • Save the PetroVR Excel report.

Every time the PetroVR Excel report is opened:

  • Open the PetroVR Excel report.
  • Select "Enable Macros".
  • Select "Update Links".
  • In Edit - Links menu item select "Open Source".
  • Select "Enable Macros".